Critically acclaimed chef Martha Ortiz presents a kaleidoscope of colour and flavour.

Chef Martha Ortiz’s restaurant at the Las Alcobas hotel channels the spirit of artist Frida Kahlo with an avant-garde interior design that is as colourful and creative as the modern Mexican food she serves. Feminine, exuberant and wonderfully idiosyncratic, Dulce Patria is brimful of character.

Set over two floors, both with terraces, the restaurant is a riot of pinks and reds with rightly embroidered chairs and fish bowls of flowers on each table.

The food is equally vibrant with bold hues and flavours to the fore in contemporary Mexican dishes, playfully served on a variety of boards, plates and glassware, from quesadillas and ceviches to tostadas and salads. The miniature children’s carousel loaded with Mexican sweets and chocolates should not be missed.


Anatole France
100 Col. Polanco
Mexico City 11560
Phone: +52 55 3300 3999

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